Thursday, March 17, 2011

Running and Food

Working through C25K again, trying to get my legs back under me.
Today was the beginning of repeating Week One, I didn't quite feel ready for week two and since the major goal is to move not to move fast, sounds like a good idea not to push it and get injured again. On tuesday I did a week one run and unlike the previous two runs I really wasn't sore at all the next day, i think i went faster today and defiantly much farther so we'll see tm. Here's the breakdown of the run from my nike+
1.85m - 29.39min @ 4:40pm, sunny warmish(50?) wet trail run on the green way.

So far today -
zone omelet, greens, one pc toast and 140c ginger beer.
large salad for lunch

That's about it, i need to get PT in still for the day, however that is going well and my back finally (3 wks later) has noticeable signs of improvement.

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