Monday, January 21, 2008

Monday 080121

Complete as many rounds as you can in twelve minutes of:
3 Handstand Push-ups
6 L Pull-ups
9 Steps, Walking Lunge

If you cannot do HSPU try one of the variations found in this vid: or of course:

If you are unable to do L-Pull ups do the required number of pull ups and then practice L sits after the workouts. If you are unable to do pull ups do jumping or beginner pull ups and then practice your L sit after the workout.

Actual:* (star=sam)
4.333333 rounds! woot! walking lunges nearly killed me, right leg is not happy :-( but the bad knee seems stronger so yay. Subbed jumping pull-ups for L Pull-ups, need to find something to practice L sits with, going to do a few off the bar now, and then some PT situps.

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