Thursday, February 14, 2008

Thursday 080214

Big Dawgs:
As Rx'd

Women use 65#'s

Fran is a 3-5 minute workout. This time try choosing a weight that will let you do the workout with good form in that time. Be warned, the difference between sub 5 and sub 3 in metabolic cost is enormous.

For nother variation you can try one of these

5 sets of 9 each exercise or
9 sets of 5 each exercise
(usually intermidiate weights are 65-75# for men, and 35-45# for women)

Use appropriate weight
sub Beginner Pull ups, Jumping Pull ups or Ring Rows as necessary.

Did 5 sets of 9 each exercise, 35lbs the first 3 sets and 10 on the last.
jumping pulls as always.

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