Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Wednesday 071219


Complete three rounds for time of:

PVC-20 pound Squat clean, 15 reps
15 Pull-ups (Jumping, assisted, or beginner okay)
Run 400 meters

still not working for time yet just trying to make it through and start to really understand the lifts, ok more just to learn the lifts in general. i can't wait till i don't have to look up the lifts every other day or more. anyhow...
did first round with squat cleans and half the next then switched to regular squats to work more on form since things were mostly just getting messy and could have promoted injury. Subed curls for pullups (christmas is coming soon, hope there is a pull up bar under the tree!) and added 15x PT situps per round. Subed 3minute biking for the 400m, biking might have to be it for the winter, but we'll see, perhaps outdoor running will be a rest day thing? maybe later though. Still going to work on getting sam to do the running program with me. also, i wimped out on the last round of biking and cut it off at 2:15, so despite stronger muscles cardio is still the suck, all in good time!

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